Thursday, April 30, 2009

Slimy crawlers!!

There's a lot to be learnt from a snail. They always move forward. They are nomadic, carrying their single dwellings with them. They never backtrack. They lay a one use, one way path that vanishes with the next  dew or rainfall. They love children and gardeners. They are inquisitive and vigilant and always hungry. They are pacifists. They are sovereign entities that live and die without contemplating wars, macro-economics,  or exo-politics. They never sign, resign or design yet remain totally significant. 
They are however adept at quantum mechanics but they never discuss that.
(They must never be confused with their antitheses....Slugs who are just plain revolting, disgusting creatures that delight in being trodden on by humans and particularly enjoy being squished between unsuspecting toes. Even other slugs hate slugs. Some botanists have gone so far as to claim that slugs are in fact proof of the "Anti-Snail" but so far no-one has agreed with them.)

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