Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reminder From The church of Latter-Day Paints

Celebrating our 30th year of freedom from Lead.
Glorifying The Grand Release: The totally erisian triumph over the Ancient Aneristic Paint Monopolies (AAPM) and their attempt to limit human intellectual development by adding lead to paint and resulting in the founding of "COL-DP"


How much lead dust is dangerous?
It doesn’t take much. If the sugar in a
one-gram packet of sugar were lead dust,
it could contaminate one hundred
kitchens, 10 feet by 10 feet. The Centers for
Disease Control estimates that a piece of
lead as small as a grain of sand is enough
to poison a child.

Actual conversation with a Port Pirie Hotelier.

Me (after a gig):
"I'll be heading back to Adelaide now"
Publican (closing the Pub):
"Don't you wanna stay for the week-end?.... a room was part of the deal"
"No thanks, I'd rather drive for a couple of hours. I've ingested enough lead, already I can feel my IQ advertising for new tenants!"
"What I'm trying to say is I'm concerned about my environment!"
"Aren't we all........... but what can you do, join GreenPeace?"
"To be perfectly honest, I'm talking about the lead levels that exist in a smelting town."
"a which town???"
"Several years back the authorities were concerned about the alarmingly high Lead levels that were being detected in the children around here. Aren't you concerned about that?"
"Well several years ago we were all concerned about that....... but...... lately......... nobody.......... seems........ to....... care............ or worry about it anymore.
So we just forget about it n-o-w-a-d-a-y-s!"

"Holy Fuck!"

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